New computer is on the way!
This is my first laptop so I am excited to investigate my new desk freedom.
Incidentally, this incident has made me realize what a god-awful mess my desk is. Really, it is
overwhelming. I have boxed up all my Matrix figures (*sigh* all three movies worth) and they are now living in storage. I also boxed up a few years worth of magazines and pulled out all the circulars to paw
thru at a later date for clothing/costume ideas. I will probably box up the rest and re-set up my desk to
accommodate the new computer/docking station (since I still want to use my lovely monitor). I was also thinking about getting rid of my battered sewing desk, moving my sewing machine and
serger to my main desk and getting a giant set of shelves so I can store my supplies/paperwork, etc. I will have to take some measurements for that, but I had my eye on a nifty set of
shelf's at
ikea that might do the trick.
I also need to get rid of some of my old art projects from college. I threw away my lovely old piece "Bury the Hatchet" which was a men's suit jacket in black that I stretched over an old canvas with wire shot up the arms to keep them outstretched and a axe sticking out of the back i made from aluminum flashing along with a giant
splattered blood stain made from polyester casting
resin with red glitter suspended in it. I already dismantled and threw away one of my bride sculptures and my black widow dress. I am keeping the "Shotgun Wedding" dress for now, although that may change depending on space. I am however seriously considering getting rid of my Killer
Daffodils of Philly painting, since it is a serious space hog. it is about 4'x4' and it has three massive screen and wire
daffodils careening out of the frame over a
silhouette of the Philly skyline. It is hanging over my sewing desk, and would have to go if I went with the shelf idea. I don't know, I just hate parting with it since it took so long to make. I would not say it was one of my best pieces, but maybe i could do some work to it to make it a bit better...
I am
way to embarrassed about the state of my work room to show any pictures right now, but maybe I will post some after all the moving is done.
In other news, I went to the
Geminara Rock and Gem show on Saturday in
Exton, and spent way too much money on fun rocks, minerals and gems for jewelry making supplies. I have so many new fun ideas, I just wish I had time to do something with them!