Thursday, September 25, 2008

Exciting News!!

I've been sitting on this one for a while waiting for the paperwork to come through. Last night after arriving home from yet another horrible day at work, I was instantly cheered to find that my licensing agreement from Amy Brown had finally arrived.
This very talented artist has granted me a non-exclusive license to create costumes and wings based on her beautiful paintings! I am so excited and can't wait to get started. This was initiated via email back in July and I have hesitated to start creating until everything was finalized.
I hope I can crank out a costume or two before Faeriecon next month-which is only a little over two weeks away!.

In other news, I have been going insane trying to make all kinds of things to get ready for Faeriecon. I have several projects in the final stages of completion and hope to have a few pictures posted in the very near future.

1 comment:

Gypsygoods said...

That is fantastic news! I can't wait to see your beautiful creations.